Affordable and Quality Health Care
Lowering the cost of prescription drugs, developing cures for diseases, combating the drug addiction epidemic, protecting people with pre-existing conditions, and making healthcare more affordable are all important, life-touching priorities.
Prescription drug prices are too high and Americans have been unfairly burdened by subsidizing the research and development of pharmaceuticals worldwide. It is past time for Congress to step in and support the American people. Tim cosponsored the Lower Costs, More Cures Act, which would lower out of pocket spending, increase transparency in pricing, while protecting innovation and hope for those suffering from an illness that is currently incurable. Every provision in the Lower Costs, More Cures Act has bipartisan support, and the legislation would cap Part D recipients’ out of pocket costs, lower insulin costs, boost the availability of generics, and ends “pay for delay” tactics used to subvert the market and artificially increase the cost of drugs. The legislation also appoints a trade representative to ensure Americans are not unjustly saddled with the burden of paying for research and development, but rather the burden is shared globally. Tim will continue to advocate for bipartisan, commonsense solutions like the Lowers Costs, More Cures Act.
Research and innovation are crucial to improving health care quality and finding ways to heal our loved ones. Tim Walberg voted for the 21st Century Cures Act to encourage medical research and speed up the development of life-saving cures and treatments for diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and cancer. He also voted for bipartisan legislation to overhaul our nation’s broken mental health care system to help those suffering from mental health issues get the care they need. As we experience the impacts of prolonged social isolation, Tim is committed to efforts to improve mental health.
As a member of the Bipartisan Heroin Task Force, Tim Walberg has been actively collaborating with state and local leaders to develop best practices and tackle the alarming heroin and opioid epidemic that hits close to home in our communities. He voted for the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) to enhance prevention, treatment, and recovery programs and provide hope for those struggling with addiction. This comprehensive response overwhelmingly passed the House and was signed into law. Along with a Democratic colleague, Tim also introduced “Jessie’s Law”, named after a Michigan resident who tragically died of an opioid overdose. “Jessie’s Law” was signed by President Trump into law in December 2018 and it provides doctors and medical professionals with access to information they need so they can make informed decisions and safely treat their patients. While both opioid and heroin overdoses are beginning to decrease across America, Tim has supported legislation to crack down on synthetic opioids and other fentanyl-analogues as their usage rates are spiking.
Tim Walberg voted to let people keep their health coverage if they liked it, and has repeatedly voted to protect people with pre-existing conditions. Tim has also helped lead congressional efforts to end the practice of surprise medical billing.
Tim is pushing for policies to make health care more affordable, including ending lawsuit abuse, allowing small businesses to join together to purchase health insurance at a more affordable price, letting people purchase health insurance across state lines, expanding the flexibility to health savings accounts, reducing fraud, and giving individuals the same tax treatment as corporations when they purchase health insurance. Additionally, Tim voted to repeal the medical device tax, which is costing Michigan medical manufacturing jobs and increasing the costs for life-saving medications and devices.