Walberg Hits Driskell On New FBI Investigation Into Clinton Emails

MIRS - Monday, October 31st

Walberg Hits Driskell On New FBI Investigation Into Clinton Emails

The U.S. Rep. Tim WALBERG (R-Tipton) campaign criticized Democratic challenger Gretchen DRISKELL for being "strikingly silent" on the latest development in Democratic presidential candidate Hillary CLINTON's private email scandal.

Over the weekend the FBI director James COMEY confirmed the bureau was continuing to investigate activity on Clinton's private server after more emails were found during a separate investigation of the ex-husband of Clinton's longtime aide, Anthony WEINER. 

"Families in the 7th District deserve to know if Gretchen Driskell still stands lockstep with Hillary Clinton as the FBI investigates her private server for the second time," said Walberg's campaign manager, Stephen RAJZER. "Carelessly mishandling classified material puts America's national security at risk, and Clinton supporter Gretchen Driskell's silence on this scandal shows her true liberal colors and willingness to toe the Democratic party line." 

The Walberg campaign seized the opportunity to point out that Driskell has lent $170,000 to her congressional campaign.